Getting your campaign off the ground

The CopyClear Managers are here to help.

In a deadline driven business like marketing, nobody wants to be the one to hold up the process. That’s why we advise all users to submit work as soon as they can, so that any issues can be addressed before they’re under too much pressure. And it doesn’t have to be a finished piece of work – storyboards, sketches, doodles on paper napkins, we’ve seen them all. Even seeing the germ of an idea gives us an opportunity to advise on any pitfalls that might lie ahead. We can meet by phone, online or in person during our office hours.

This is particularly useful with bigger campaigns, with a strategy that will give rise to multiple executions over months or years. You can share your strategies and briefs with us in confidence – and with confidence. With a better understanding of what you’re trying to achieve, we’ll be better placed to evaluate your submissions.

And always bear in mind, notwithstanding our considerable advertising experience, we view submissions from the consumer’s point of view. Our interpretation of an asset is based on the likely consumer takeout, which may differ from its creator’s intended message.

  • CopyClear Managers’ responses are based on the current version of the ASAI code published in 2016.
  • CopyClear ‘Footnotes’, which have been compiled based on our experience of applying the
    code, provide a useful guide to the process in general, and specific issues. 
  • If there’s an issue with an asset, our responses cite the relevant articles within the code. If work is generally compliant but not complete, it can be granted ‘Interim’ approval. Final approval is valid for one year from the date of issue.